June 14, 20213:42 read Biblical Worldview Shaping in Elementary Math A biblical worldview is at the foundation of every subject at BJU Press. We want students to understand the world from the lens of Scripture. With so many different worldviews... Read more...
September 21, 20203:59 read Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy and Biblical Worldview Critical thinking and biblical worldview formation are two concepts that are foundational to all of our materials. But how do those two ideas relate? Can you teach students how to... Read more...
March 11, 20203:36 read Themes in Heritage Studies 1: Family Children experience significant mental, physical, and social growth during first grade. They develop increased independence, responsibility, and confidence. During this time of... Read more...
October 20, 20178:32 read Social Media In the old days, if you liked Guyanan postage stamps of the 1850s, you tried to find someone in your town who was also interested in the same thing so that you could share... Read more...
October 20, 20178:58 read Selecting Textbooks and Other Curriculum Support Materials for Christian Schools Why Textbook Selection Is Important The curriculum is at the core of any school’s mission; it’s what the school teaches. Once the school administration and faculty... Read more...
October 20, 201713:01 read Kids These Days: Why They Think Differently and What We Should Do About It There has always been a generation gap. Perhaps Socrates really did describe the youth of his day with these words: “The children now . . . have bad manners, contempt for... Read more...
October 20, 20177:45 read Historical Revisionism: A Biblical Perspective In 1987 two best-selling books changed the way Americans think about history. Allan Bloom’s The Closing of the American Mind[1] and E. D. Hirsch Jr.’s Cultural... Read more...
October 19, 20177:13 read Are Secular Textbooks All That Bad? Christian schools exist for a reason. Some reasons are not worthy; for example, no Christian school should exist just to generate revenue for the supporting church or to serve as... Read more...