I have created a lot of content so I can edit the quizzes and tests and it has taken a lot of time and effort. Will trove be up and running to create final exams for THIS school year? I may have to hand write everything since typing math is not really a viable option. I understand that things change but am quite disappointed that it is happening at the busiest time of year. What are our options to finish out the school year? Can an email with explicit instructions please be sent out? Thank you!
I received an email back from a Curriculum Support Specialist. She said "I have not exported tests from ExamView into a RTF (Word) file myself. I did see a video on how to do so when I searched for it online. Another option is to save it as a PDF. The tests that have been created will not be transferred over to Trove. Examview will not be available starting in June. I would like to encourage you to get in touch with your rep who will have more information on Trove." So, it sounds like there is no plan to provide any way to move content created or modified in ExamView into whatever program is provided in Trove. This is very odd, since generally there is some backward compatibility provided when changing apps or platforms. Hopefully, someone has something in the works to provide that! Without access to whatever tools will be available, I am not even sure what exporting to Word or PDF will do for us, since we don't know if we can even import anything into the new program, which won't be available until sometime this summer (after the ExamView app has been dropped). Does anyone know if ExamView itself will continue to work after June 1, since we had to set up a Turning Technologies account and log into that (not BJU) each time we use it? Or, is BJU just dropping support for the app?
I too would like to find out more details and have only found a small blurb in one email sent out to me. I have many tests created in several subject areas with BJU and Examview and need to know if I have to go through hundreds of tests and export each version, one at a time. We have a huge investment into BJU materials, partly because of the tools they offer. I know change is always hard, but more communication can make all the difference in a situation like this! Unfortunately, I have really pushed BJU's tolls to other teachers in our school and encouraged them to adopt the curriculum as well, so I hope this doesn't turn out as bad as it sounds like it might. Hopefully, we will get some sort of clarification before it gets too late!
I would also like to know the answer. I use ExamView for many of my textbooks. Our BJ Biology books are only 3 years old. We would like to use them for a few more years before switching editions. Not every class covers the same amount of material, so retaining access to ExamView is important my school.
I would like to know the same thing. I couldn't find anywhere else to contact someone to ask this questions. Maybe they will see our concerns here.