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Can someone please direct me to where I find the summative assessments for each content and grade level? Thank you in advance for all of your support.
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Examview will not work on Mac computers which is what most of the new teachers are using. I hope they resolve this quickly. I was able to use it my first year, but it no longer supports Mac computers!
I was able to get ahold of support today and there are several contents and grade levels that don't have the examvview online.
Select your grade and make sure you click 'apply' at the top then the option to download test generator for window or mac pops up. Hope this helps!
Same here. I was sold on the idea that tests would be easily made up using something called "ExamView" (an app?) but there is nothing that I can find on either the CD that came with the teachers editions, nor on this site. What in the world? Thanks in advance for anyone's help for Taylor and myself.